Cruise Moor and more



narrowboat on river nene

Happy New Year folks - and how about this fabulous Cruise Moor update to lift your spirits…….

The four independent family run marinas we joined forces with in spring 2024 to launch the Cruise Moor scheme are delighted to announce that from January 2025 we are improving the original offering from a 20% discount on visitor moorings to a fabulous ONE FREE WEEK stay on a visitor mooring at each marina.

Boaters who commit to a one year annual mooring contract at any of the Cruise Moor marinas will now be able to enjoy ONE FREE WEEK at each of the participating marinas.  With the latest addition of Fenny Marina on the South Oxford canal this now means that customers can enjoy up to six weeks free visitor mooring whilst out on their travels.

The marinas currently participating in the Cruise Moor scheme are Aqueduct (Middlewich Branch of the Shropshire Union), Fenny (South Oxford Canal), Dunchurch Pools (North Oxford Canal), Droitwich Spa (Droitwich Junction Canal), Overwater (Shropshire Union Canal) and us White Mills (River Nene).

“All of us at our individual marinas are fortunate enough to have a loyal customer base and we all wanted to show our appreciation by offering them a really good deal through the Cruise Moor scheme.  By offering our boaters one free week at each of the participating marinas hopefully it will encourage them to get out and about and explore the waterways network.  What is particularly exciting is as more independent marinas hear about us and join the Scheme the more our boaters will benefit by having an increased number of marinas to visit for free.” Said Janet Maughan from Overwater Marina.

At the end of last year family-owned marina Fenny Marina joined the Cruise Moor scheme and more independent marinas are expected to sign up as 2025 unfolds.

The Cruise Moor scheme system is very straightforward, boaters who are on an annual contract which is paid for as one annual payment simply pick up a Cruise Moor card from their host marina’s office, check availability with the marina they want to stay on and then a quick confirmation between marinas will secure up to one free week’s visitor mooring. 

Continued Janet, “Family run businesses continually go the extra mile to provide boaters with the very best facilities and services and this is just another example of how much we value our customers. The added bonus of course, is that boaters taking advantage of the Cruise Moor scheme will know that they will receive the personal service and care that they already enjoy when they visit one of the participating marinas.”




Debbie Skinner