Exciting boathouse news!

Well folks - have we got news for you! At long last, as from 25th July, 2022, the boathouse is going to be open 7 whole days a week, that’s it, you have read it right - SEVEN days a week.

Thanks to popular demand we have decided that the time is now right for our fantastic boathouse team serve you with home made refreshments and treats - every day of the week, so there will not be any more closing on a Tuesday. Really great news for us all.

This new arrangement is being trialled initially for the Summer holidays, and if it proves popular and is easy to manage with our small team, then it will become a permanent fixture.

So please do make sure you pop in any day between 9 and 4 pm. We will of course be thrilled to see you, especially on a Tuesday!!

Debbie Skinner